companyNayar sponsors the FEEDA conference on ITC-AEM 1 in Madrid and explains its solutions to save with telephony for lifts | Nayar Systems

11 October, 2024

Juampe Borràs, Sales Manager Iberia at Nayar, explained the company’s solutions to comply with ITC-AEM 1 and save time in its implementation

On 2nd October 2024, an informative sectorial conference on ITC-AEM 1 was held in Madrid, organised by FEEDA (Spanish Elevator Business Federation), AEAM (Madrid Elevator Association) and AEACAM (Castilla-La Mancha Association). Nayar was one of the sponsors of an event that brought together many agents related to the elevation sector to discuss the key aspects of the new regulations. With the premise that all lifts in Spain must have the compulsory lift telephony that connects the cabin with the rescue centre, our Sales Manager Iberia, Juampe Borràs, presented to the attendees the ITC solutions of specific products prepared by Nayar. You can check them here.

Nayar sponsors the FEEDA conference on ITC-AEM 1 in Madrid and explains its solutions to save with telephony for lifts

Packaged solutions for the implementation of mandatory lift telephony

In Borràs’ words, the products that Nayar has prepared to comply with the bidirectional communication measure in the cabin are solutions “always looking for the greatest economy in time”. This means, not only that they are widely implemented in the market and are known by lift technicians but, with the aim of allowing the customer to optimise resources and save time and money with them, the most successful products from the point of view of easy installation have been selected, creating solutions in the form of specific packs to offer the maximum facilities to customers.


ITC-AEM 1: the key aspects of the new lift regulation

It should be recalled that the Complementary Technical Instruction AEM 1 ‘Lifts’ officially indicates the minimum compulsory measures to be implemented in those lifts whose introduction on the market was carried out before its entry into force, as well as the deadlines for carrying them out. Its main objective is to increase the safety and efficiency of the lift fleet, to guarantee the safety of its users, as well as an efficient and regular maintenance of the lifts. Similarly, the regulation aims to establish a clear framework for mandatory inspections of lifts, ensuring that all lifts are inspected at regular intervals to verify their safety. These are inspections by Authorised Control Bodies (ACOs) whose system is specified in the European standard EN81-28:2022. The standard also seeks to regulate modifications and upgrades of lifts to ensure that they comply with the new standards.

As far as Nayar is concerned and focusing on the specific measure of ‘Two-way communication in the cabin. Rescue of trapped users, on which we have a direct influence, we emphasise the obligation for all lifts to have a two-way communication system that guarantees that any trapped user can call for help from a rescue centre at any time, or, in other words, all lifts must have obligatory lift telephony. This must be available 24 hours a day, every day of the year in all lifts in the national territory, and its correct autonomous operation must be checked every 72 hours, and it must be an oral and two-way communication system.

Nayar sponsors the FEEDA conference on ITC-AEM 1 in Madrid and explains its solutions to save with telephony for lifts

All these aspects and many more about the implementation of the ITC-AEM 1 were discussed at the sectorial conference held in Madrid and sponsored by Nayar, which was attended by experts and companies in the elevation sector, representatives of the public administration and control bodies. Remember that last 2nd October Nayar sponsored the FEEDA conference on the ITC-AEM 1 in Madrid and explained its solutions to save with telephony for lifts.

Among other statements made by the speakers, the importance of working together to fine-tune the details of its implementation was highlighted. Also, the need for an interpretation guide to clarify any unclear points in the installation was also discussed, and then, the importance of using the online resources available to help in the interpretation of the regulations was highlighted. Last but not least, the need to carry out this type of conference was praised, where all the agents involved are involved and where the correct application of the regulations can be guaranteed.

ITC-AEM 1 affects you and you need to plan the most appropriate strategy to meet your needs? Firstly, write to us at and we will give you the added value you need with solutions that allow you to comply with the standard and save time and money.

Nayar sponsors the FEEDA conference on ITC-AEM 1 in Madrid and explains its solutions to save with telephony for lifts