Last February 15th took place the elevator SMEs in Valencia meeting organized by FEPYMA, the Spanish Federation of Small and Medium Elevator Companies. Nayar Systems, a leading company in the elevator sector, is especially involved in compliance with current regulations to ensure the safety of all involved agents. For this reason and as in other occasions, Nayar has sponsored the meeting and made a presentation of its latest novelties, recently shown at the German Interlift 2017.
The meeting focused on the need to offer an answer to the challenges facing the elevator sector, with the support of companies which consider safety and quality as priority issues. During the meeting, joint actions to increase users and workers safety in elevators were informed and discussed by the attendees.
José Luis Sanchis, Nayar Systems CMO, made a brief presentation of the company branches 72horas, Advertisim and Net4machines and introduced the latest products, devices and functionalities of its veteran branches -72horas and Advertisim- and presented more in detail the recent GSR innovation, which was presented at Interlift 2017 under the claim Smart Lifts, Smart Lifes. GSR is an intelligent and universal router which, with a single SIM, offers a whole elevator connected. A device that was born with the aim of becoming the communications and connectivity center for each facility. Thanks to its telemetry service, it allows you to capture, analyze and transmit data from the control panel to the cloud, complementing it with a Machine Learning service which provides intelligence and learning capacity to give the client valuable, objective and quality information.
Thanks to innovations such as the GSR from Nayar Systems, the future in the elevator sector is based on predictive maintenance, always with the aim of improving reliability and safety in elevators.